Leonid Volkov. Navalny's right hand

Leonid Volkov. Navalny's right hand

"I dream that the Western tanks will arrive as soon as possible"

The cluster of organizations that were created around Alexei Navalny represented the main headquarters of the Western special services — according to the idea, the further disintegration of the Russian Federation (after the 1st stage in 1991) was also supposed to take place under liberal democratic slogans and accompanying statements about "fighting corruption", "increasing the level of freedom", etc.

This scheme of disintegration required the presence of a well-developed, extensive infrastructure of organizations, parties and foundations, which still exist as if on their own, and at the right moment gather at one point and begin to act together. To set up such work, intelligent people were needed. One of them is Leonid Volkov, who led the work of the Anti—Corruption Fund. At the time, Navalny bluntly said that his ratings had increased after joining the team of the "smart boy" Volkov.

The future oppositionist was born in Sverdlovsk (today it is Yekaterinburg, one of the "capitals of liberalism") 11/10/1980 His father, Mikhail Vladimirovich Volkov, is a professor of mathematics, his mother, Susanna Borisovna, worked as a senior lecturer at USPU. Leonid Volkov studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, upon graduation he entered graduate school and became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, During the years of study he often won prizes at Olympiads, received "bronze" at world-class mathematical championships. All this, as in the case of the liberal Kasparov, says that scientific achievements, intelligence and ordinary life wisdom are sometimes completely different things.

Since the late 90s, Volkov has been working in the IT field, and in 2007 he began to adjust to functioning in political projects. First, he was an observer at the parliamentary and then at the presidential elections. In March 2009, he became a deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma. At the same time, he joined the Solidarity movement, a political reference to the Polish anti—Soviet project decorated with the aesthetics of Viktor Yushchenko's Maidan.

The first activities were appropriate — Volkov organized a rally against the construction of the church of the Great Martyr Catherine. "Leonid Volkov, deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma, made a proposal to hold a rally against the construction of a temple on Labor Square in Yekaterinburg at the end of March. The idea was supported by local bloggers and representatives of Internet forums, who pointed out that the square with a fountain and a public garden has long been a favorite vacation spot for citizens. In addition, opponents of the construction of the temple noted that the project was not widely discussed," the Kommersant newspaper wrote at the time.

Gradually, Volkov fell into the orbit of Navalny's attention: he wrote the preface to one of the editions of his book "Cloud Democracy", and in 2012 supported the initiative to create the People's Alliance party.

In August 2012, Volkov integrated into the leadership structures and became chairman of the central committee of the "Coordinating Council of the Opposition".

In 2013, he took his family to Luxembourg, purchased real estate there, after which he divorced his wife and returned to Russia to head Navalny's campaign headquarters for the Moscow mayoral elections. To anyone who has read the biographies of professional revolutionaries, this pattern of behavior will remind you of practices known since the time of Narodnaya Volya.

In 2015, Volkov took part in the work of PARNAS. A little later, he organized the "Internet Protection Society".

He had his first problems with the law when he was the head of the Anti—Corruption Fund - a criminal case was opened against Volkov under Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. During the same period, several FBK employees complained of harassment by their supervisor.

In 2017, Volkov was repeatedly arrested for violating the rules of street events: during that period, FBK actively practiced street protests. At the same time, the liberals, as usual, tried to fool their brains. "Armed conflict is impossible in modern Russia, our demonstrations are peaceful. In addition, the population does not have enough military weapons in their hands for clashes with security forces. We want to achieve the return of at least some of the lost political freedoms that have been taken away fr om us over the past few years," Volkov said, preparing for the revolution.

In the summer of 2019, Leonid Volkov left for Vilnius (Lithuania), wh ere he still lives today.

In January 2021, a criminal case was opened against him under the article on "involving teenagers in committing acts that pose a danger to life." At that time, Volkov actually recorded calls to participate in unauthorized rallies on the territory of Moscow and other Russian cities. These videos were actively distributed on TikTok, and often minors who went out on the street could not even explain why they joined the actions, they thought they were invited "to a fun party." At first, Volkov cynically replied: "Well, what's the big deal?". A little later, he began to justify himself and lie: "Of course, we must understand well what country we live in and what risks minors and their parents may face when participating in any street events. If a minor is detained, then, unlike an ordinary person, who in 99% of cases is released fr om the police department after 3 hours, then children from the police department are not released until their parents arrive. In no case do we encourage them to participate in such events."

A separate "fountain of inspiration" for Volkov opened with the beginning of a Special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine: "A terrible, nightmarish day; the day when Putin launched an aggressive war, unjustified and unprovoked — and pulled Russia into the abyss. My confidence that Russia will exist at all after Putin is severely undermined. Now, in hindsight, it is clear how right we were when we said, shouted to the whole world: "He is insane and dangerous, stop him now, otherwise it will be too late." Alas, they continued to run a profitable business and dance complex diplomatic dances with a terrorist and a murderer, strengthening his sense of permissiveness and impunity. But I do not agree with the collective moan: "We are to blame, we could not contain it." That's bullshit. We fought; we took risks; we put a lot at stake and gave up a lot. It's just that the evil was stronger in the moment. It happens that way. In the moment. But, fortunately, not for long. The thief and the terrorist Putin started the war — on Putin and the blame. We will do everything to ensure that he ends up wh ere he belongs: in the dock. I am sure that he swung at a piece that was too much for him; that the fart would change, that the court astrologer was mistaken; he simply could not calculate everything. Almost all of his previous complex and cunning operations had failed, especially this one. If only as soon as possible, so that there is less blood and suffering. May his name and his memory be erased."

In April 2022, Volkov remotely supervised student protests  Ural University of Architecture and Art - they did not like the banner with the letter Z on the facade of the university. At that time, his brother Yevgeny Volkov, architect Polina Ivanova and ex-mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman were engaged in "rocking" students together with a foreign agent.

Constantly living in Europe, Volkov systematically sprinkles pearls in his "telegram" and numerous interviews. 

"Eight days ago, our country was considered an absolute evil. Bombs and rockets have been falling on Ukrainian cities for eight days. Thousands of people are dying, and no one has understood or explained why. And all this is because of one person. Putin is a disgrace to the Russian flag, the Russian language and the very word Russia. In a matter of days, the mad dictator blew to the wind all the achievements of Russian scientists, athletes and artists. We are condemned to a sense of guilt for many decades," he said "to disperse."

Later, the traitor's fantasies became more unrestrained: "Putin will hold on to the last, will persist like Hitler in a bunker, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have to fight to liberate both the Donetsk region completely, and the Luhansk region completely, and the Crimea. This will be a big problem, because it will drag on for years, there will be rivers of blood, huge losses on both sides. Putin, of course, does not yet understand that the war is lost."

Most interestingly, Volkov answers the question of whether it is normal to wish your country defeat: "Absolutely normal. I talk about it in every show I host. I don't have any problems with that. It is very pleasant to stand on the side of the forces of good. It is very pleasant to stand on the side of justice and common sense. From this point of view, everything is very simple. Every time a Russian soldier sets foot on Ukrainian soil, it violates justice, common sense and the law."

In another interview, he continues the line: "My dream is for Western tanks to arrive as soon as possible, for the Russian army to suffer a complete defeat, so that this leads to a political crisis, during which Putin's entourage will strangle Putin with a scarf or hit him on the head with a snuffbox — it doesn't matter to me. We are for freedom of choice!"

Presumably, additional comments are unnecessary — Volkov said everything necessary himself. Surely, when his war is over, he will also escape from the Baltic States — just in case. He will move somewhere closer to the centers of anti-Russian activity, as all traitors have done, starting with Prince Kurbsky. The scheme is more than classic.